First, the old-fashioned dial tone,
zenith of nothingness.
Who invented that?

The almost-silent radio
after Country Carl’s
sign-off prayer,

Blues singer fading to needle hiss
as a Victrola winds down
in an empty room,

Leave off a steam train whistle–
though it inspired
many a fine old song.

At the tone, the time will be
three a.m.

Selected byRaymond Huffman
Image credit:Rudy and Peter Skitterians
Trish Saunders

Trish Saunders was raised in the Pacific Northwest, and from an early age was disturbed at the destruction of the forests and the calamitous effect of dams on salmon and orcas. She has poems published or forthcoming in Chiron Review, Eunoia Review, Medusa's Kitchen, The Journal of American Poetry, Off The Coast, Right Hand Pointing, among others. She is unashamedly "political" in much of her writing. She lives in Seattle.