When I turn the screw on the device
nipple clamps
your lips pull clear of teeth

it takes years to decipher the puzzle tree
its spindles — not uniform but jagged.

we nestle in the abdomen
the hills of flesh

bright lunar slab above
the serrated shrieks
like dogs rutting

“fetch a bucket of water”

but it is more than sex
more than breeding
more than the cigarette smoke
curling around the lampshade

I should turn the screw
one last full rotation
watch the tears form
run like rainwater
down the sluice of your face


Watch video here


Selected byJenn Zed
Image credit:Glib Albovsky
Michael Ashley

Michael Ashley is a poet who lives in Spain. Focusing on straightforward simple poetry, the sharp and accessible type!


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YouTube @michaelashleypoetry