Hands at ten & two,
late Miles on Bluetooth,

I’m driving north, stopping
again & again

to bury roadkill,
a coyote, jackrabbits

three diamondbacks, even a
young red-tailed hawk.

I’m driving north, where
I once rode my old gelding

around the reservation,
visiting the hogans

of my friends. We’d
drink coffee & laugh

at my little orange horse,
his cow hocks, his blaze face

& nasty disposition.
Listening to Miles play

“Yesternow,” I’m driving north,
yes, where it once rained. 


(photo is of the author as a boy with his horse)

Image credit:Nik Shuliahin

I've lived in Tucson since 1953 and retired in 2008 from teaching writing at Pima Community College.

My poems have appeared in journals like Carolina Quarterly, Barrow Street, RATTLE, and New Poets of the American West. 

I'm a passionate supporter of Sky Island Alliance, a regionally-based environmental organization.

Yesternow, my twelfth poetry collection, was just published by Moonstone Arts Press (Philadelphia).
