Just out and soon available on Amazon (w/ 2 of my poems), the “While You Wait” anthology.

This was commissioned by our local poet laureate who got a large number of local medical folks to put this in their waiting room.  We were specifically asked to contribute poems that addressed health in some fashion.

That was pre-pandemic, so it ended up online, but the print version is available as of today as well and will find its way to waiting rooms soon (or so I am told).  The very best of our local Santa Barbara poets contributed to this, along with hacks like me.:)



Here are my poems:



Eliot Jacobson

Eliot Jacobson is a retired professor of mathematics and computer science who has had a lifelong love affair with poetry.  Eliot has published several poems over the years but considers himself to be more of an affectionate spectator than a writer.  Eliot's poetry can be found at his website: www.totallydisconnected.com