I won’t wear the KN95 knock-offs
I ordered from Amazon, the horizontal seam
like a duck’s bill. Imagine the waitress,
straight-faced, asking, “want quackers with that?”
Or you hand the cashier your $2 win ticket    
& he laughs, “aren’t you a lucky duck?”           
Way back in the day, the plague doctors
looked like stork-headed monsters,
like carrion crows in their masks,
the vertical seam forming a savage beak
they stuffed with mint, camphor
& vinegar-soaked rags. I’m going to
order genuine KN95s, which resemble
those early masks. Expensive? Yes,
but worth it. Nobody laughs at a monster.

Image credit:KMA .img

I've lived in Tucson since 1953 and retired in 2008 from teaching writing at Pima Community College.

My poems have appeared in journals like Carolina Quarterly, Barrow Street, RATTLE, and New Poets of the American West. 

I'm a passionate supporter of Sky Island Alliance, a regionally-based environmental organization.

Yesternow, my twelfth poetry collection, was just published by Moonstone Arts Press (Philadelphia).
