“No Betta” Blues

with music by RC James


For Miss Auntie Lola with love from your Starrchild. xo

Lemme tell y’all sumpthin—

It don’t get no betta than this.
It jess don’t get no betta;

ain’t been no heat fo’ days,
so ah gots t’put on a heavy sweata.

‘N lemme tell y’all sumpthin—

It won’t get no betta than this.
It jess won’t get no betta;
ah could cry ma po’ worn heart out—
These tears sho’nuff don’t come no wetta.

Jess lemme tell y’all sumpthin’—

It don’t get no betta than this.
It ain’t gon’ get no betta;
ah’ll spell da blues out fo’ ya,
each letta fo’ blue letta.

It don’t get
no betta than this, Lawd.

It jess don’t get
no betta.

Image credit:Joey Nicotra

Pushcart Prize-nominated Poet, 1990; 6th Place Finalist, Massachusetts Cultural Council Artist Grant Awards, one-thousand dollar award recipient, 2002.