Artist’s Note: Linen and cotton yarns, handmade paper, river stones, bone beads, on a wrapped tree branch, 48” wide x 41”high x 16” deep. My fiber pieces often involve fastening rocks to something — in this case hanging them from a tree branch. This is the last in a series of work based on the theme “here on this fleck among the uncountable stars something takes form, eventually to wonder why we are and what to each other.” I worked on this piece over several years, off and on. Stitchery is a very slow means of expression, so the thing itself is likely to grow a lot between concept and final form. This old needlelace technique works to create surfaces in the air and handmade paper is yet another way of making something that wasn’t there before. I like stones for their compositional value but especially because stones are ancient in our world and always seem to have something to say on their own.