jawin’ with the wind
I just said I love you to her
but was talkin’ to someone else
the wind knows that
blowin’ me apart with my own secrets

jawin’ with the wind
was there a wind outta Jesus’ tomb?
cause I sure could use a resurrection
out here with the traffic goin’
blowin’ cars up my nostrils
rain out here too
rain vs. wind
a pro wrestling match
staged and made up in heaven

jawin’ with the wind
singing Bobby Macfarin
”Don’t worry be happy” in the back of my skull
I’m tryin’ Bobby
I’m tryin’
talkin about Cormac Mcarthy and Jeff Bance
and western boots
thinking of an orange sleeping bag
with me in it
all alone somewhere in the desert
I don’t know maybe it’s not orange
even the wind don’t know what color it is
but it’s there with the whole frontier in front of me
and I just snore wind

jawin’ with the wind
about $14
$10 at the pump
the rest for a red bull at the register
they didn’t get the transaction right
it’s weird like me, like the wind
all the wind does is strange
that’s why I like talkin’ with it
offer the wind some gum
and it will blow bubbles
pop pop pop

jawin’ with the wind
talkin’ about how I don’t own
I don’t have a slice of America
I want a piece
and the wind didn’t pay anything
but owns the whole land
blown’ through
knockin’ down shingles
and men

Image credit:Dawn Rose
Daniel J. Flore III

Daniel J. Flore III’s fifth book of poetry is WRITTEN IN THE DUST ON THE CEILING FAN and it can be found here.