We are under a spell today
the rules of gravity suspended
birds float through the fog

It is my eldest [ insert caveat here ] daughter’s birthday
and this is an all-day poem
a slow release

I remember the drive to the hospital
in a dawn so very like today
I communed with a great body of fog
      so afraid to forget: this is not a trade

here let me hold it for you the fog said of my sorrow
so I let it unto other hands
and became a first-time mother

I will call her soon my sweet sleepy-head
who does not know that when I say her name
it comes out white

Selected byNolcha Fox
Image credit:Anna Goncharova
Sherry Cassells

I write mostly short stories, the kind I long for but can rarely find. Some have been published here and there in journals, literary presses, anthologies. Also, and this is where I get rich, a new website called litbit.ca