lately I’ve been floating around
I don’t want my feet on the ground
that’s a drag
I’d rather watch you from above
I’d rather hover
I need something to fill my ghost
some adventure of you
helicopter wings over hell
I’d like to rescue you
I’d like to bed you
somehow the intrusions fade
you can’t trip on me out the door
you can’t find me like you did before
I’m higher than high noon
and that sun will just burn away
but I’ll be a spirit still
I died with you
my death has been good for the soil
plant your flowers
I will take a whiff from the air
I’m going everywhere all at once
the only thing I’ll touch is the stratosphere
pushing planets out of the way
I need some space

Image credit:pawel szvmanski
Daniel J. Flore III

Daniel J. Flore III’s fifth book of poetry is WRITTEN IN THE DUST ON THE CEILING FAN and it can be found here.