this game’s going down in history
randomly craved poetry
is best
take the enamel right off your teeth
I saw a great grandmother reading it
in her minivan
she imagined Kerouac in his cold northern grave
and smiled as she stuck a poem in the ignition
and turned the whole thing on
put one hand on the wheel
reached for her coffee with the other
pulled out without signaling
pissing off 3 other drivers
and didn’t give a shit
headed north up the coast road
said “Don’t you worry none, Jackie Baby,
I’m with you”

Selected byKaci Skiles Laws
Image credit:Dominic Simpson

Sunken ships--the rats calling the place home didn't make it out either--the oldest daughter didn't like me to begin with and Momma didn't know what to do with my love in the corral--I decided not to wait around for the movie and headed for Arizona where I met Jaci--she liked me pretty much and was into history--I told her I would meet her in the Indian ruins that night for love in the dust--

she said, "oooooooooo that makes me so wet!"

How did I do, Jay? Is this what you were looking for?