Photographer’s Note: I visited the Ottawa Museum of Civilization in Canada (now Museum of History) a couple of times. I was able to capture these abstracts from this incredibly interesting and beautiful building – inside and outside – with all its curves and motifs. The architect is native-born Douglas Cardinal. Here are some samples of his unique style.


Photo 1. Is quite old. I included it so you can get a sense of the building with its wonderful curves and shadow. Processing is as you see it, because it is a slide. Taken near sunset (hence the wonderful golden glow), with a Nikon FA and 35-100 zoom lens, on Fuji Velvia, probably at 35 mm.


Photo 2. 2016. Taken with a Pentax K3 camera (APS-C format), and 16-45 mm lens (equivalent to about 35-70 full frame). My processing is just basic lightening and contrast adjustments where needed.


Photo 3. 2016. Taken with a Pentax K3 camera (APS-C format), and 16-45 mm lens (equivalent to about 35-70 full frame). My processing is just basic lightening and contrast adjustments where needed.


Photo 4. 2016. Taken with a Pentax K3 camera (APS-C format), and 16-45 mm lens (equivalent to about 35-70 full frame). My processing is just basic lightening and contrast adjustments where needed.


Photo 5. 2016. Taken with a Pentax K3 camera (APS-C format), and 16-45 mm lens (equivalent to about 35-70 full frame). My processing is just basic lightening and contrast adjustments where needed.


Photo 6. 2016. Converted to Black and white. Taken with a Pentax K3 camera (APS-C format), and 16-45 mm lens.


Photo 7. 2016. Converted to Black and white. Taken with a Pentax K3 camera (APS-C format), and 16-45 mm lens.


Photo 8. 2016. Converted to Black and white. Taken with a Pentax K3 camera (APS-C format), and 16-45 mm lens.


Photo 9. 2016. Converted to Black and white. Taken with a Pentax K3 camera (APS-C format), and 16-45 mm lens.


Photo 10. 2016. Converted to Black and white. Taken with a Pentax K3 camera (APS-C format), and 16-45 mm lens.


Photography is too easy. Doing it well is another matter and a lifetime journey. A little humility, a lot of walking and hiking goes a long way to help. I am an amateur. I learned my skills mainly through a camera club and through reading. Hope to share my work and see the work of others.