Do you remember when we planted the garden
I tilled the soil and you followed behind
carefully making lines for rows
then lovingly placing each seed
about a half-inch deep
and covering it with your delicate fingers
arugula, kale, bok choy, and tatsoi

In late November we had enough
to make a salad each night
watching the cool rains

Once I touched your face
and it bloomed
as your smile does when we wake
and watch the dew on the lettuce
drip each second

Selected byNolcha Fox
Image credit:GreenForce Staffing
Raymond Huffman

I am a retired entomologist/educator and have been writing poetry for a long time. It's only been in the last few years that I have taken it a little more seriously. I keep trying through writing to find new perspectives that reveal the layers of meaning that are always there, just below the surface of the obvious. I write because I enjoy it, and sometime it helps me understand the world and myself better.