Heel-to-toe, he taps to the harmonics of
reverberating bounces and swish-swooshing tempos,
and to the serenades of sirens outside his window.
He dances the Dig Toe Step to beer can-crushing-
concertos and the clattering of formidable fists.

Boom-boom-klatt, he’s dancin’ and toe-tappin’.

He dances to the bellowing vibrato of their marital
Hip-Hopera. Clickety-clackin’ his toe-tappin’ feet to
syncopated hymns of beloved acrimony.

As if lightning he moves with the arpeggios of
metal capsules that ricochet off the alley way
Klatt-klatt-boom, his feet stomp to
the recession of chinking coins and the rustling
of C-notes.

1, 2, 1, 2-step, he shuffles to the
coda of the ghetto’s song.

Boom-boom-klatt, he’s dancin’ and toe-tappin’.
Boom-boom-klatt, he’s dancin’ and toe-tappin’.

Image credit:Andre Hunter
Michael B. Carroll Jr.

Michael B. Carroll Jr., known professionally as Mykii J, is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, poet, model, and political activist. Born and raised in Philadelphia, PA, he gained public recognition after releasing the books “The Dichotomy Between Light and Dark” (2019), “Songs of an Indomitable Spirit” (2020), and the freestyles “Whole Lotta Choppas” (2020), “Holiday” (2020), and “Body” (2020). Carroll continues to gain recognition as his song “Crime Scene” and its associated online challenge rise across social media platforms. Follow him on Instagram: @sirdukeofwagadu.