The slow and sullen wind that lingers
in the corners of my room, compact,
brooding, breathes in, breathes out,
sighs and shifts, rises, falls,
gives up, gives in, gives all.

And yet I walk across the floor,
heedless of the warnings given,
knowing full well the purpose of boards
laid so tightly, laced to form
the plane of separation between us
and all that is evil; how without
them we would sink forever
in the fibrous dark of our being.

And yet I imagine windows, doors,
and walk, walk across the floor.


Video production of the author reading his poem. 

Matt Dennison

After a rather extended and varied second childhood in New Orleans

(street musician, psych-tech, riverboat something-or-other, door-to-door

poetry peddler, etc.), Matt Dennison finished his undergraduate degree at

Mississippi State University where he won the National Sigma Tau Delta

essay competition (judged by X.J. Kennedy). He is the author of Kind Surgery

from Urtica Press (Fr.) and  Waiting for Better from Main Street Rag Press.

His poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Verse Daily, Rattle, Bayou Magazine,

Redivider, The National Poetry Review, New York Quarterly, Modern Haiku, Tulane

Review, The Inflectionist Review, DIAGRAM, Hiram Poetry Review, Slipstream,

The Midwest Quarterly, Spoon River Poetry Review and Cider Press Review,

among others. His fiction has appeared in ShortStory Substack, THEMA, GUD,

The Blue Crow (Aus), Prole (UK), The Wondrous Real and Story Unlikely.

He has also made poetry videos with Michael Dickes, Marc Neys,

Jutta Pryor & Marie Craven.


Kind Surgery (Urtica Press)