There are exactly 8,041,272,548 humans
on our planet. The last one in the count
is a feisty, baby girl named Maria-Angelica
born in a Manilla slum to a couple with 8
other children, all reportedly living happily.
There are precisely 327,153,981,241 stars
in our galaxy. The final one added
is a wobbly creature, rotating around
its own axis in a a most unorthodox manner
while emitting a reddish, brown glow.
There are exactly 184,622,414,627 galaxies
in our observable universe. The 184,622,
414,627th is flatter than the average and
seems to have far too small of a blackhole
at the center for its unusually large size.
The width of the entire space-time continuum
is precisely 2,514,714,900,336,153.0056774322
light years across and, at the very edge
of its last few feet, it takes on a shine
best described as an opalescence.