The last breath
are words that share
a heavy weight
with those few words
that are impossible to comprehend
meaning both everything and nothing
a finality beyond final

It seems there should be other words
that follow to justify them
or to honor them
but there is no honor in the words
or any justification

They stand alone
with no emotion

The other words
that try to explain them
will come later

After ninety years
and 757 million breaths
the sands of the clock ran out
the final grain
the sad gasp
wanting more
the final grain
heavy as a boulder
on the memories
of those that witnessed it fall

Selected byNolcha Fox
Image credit:Daniele Levis Pelusi
Raymond Huffman

I am a retired entomologist/educator and have been writing poetry for a long time. It's only been in the last few years that I have taken it a little more seriously. I keep trying through writing to find new perspectives that reveal the layers of meaning that are always there, just below the surface of the obvious. I write because I enjoy it, and sometime it helps me understand the world and myself better.