The hearth cracked, ashes spilling from the fire grate;
and that same day a bird flew inside the house, a starling.

Reaching out to catch it I strained my arm. I was sorry
for us both, and let the bird go in the road, where a cat
caught it and killed it, but left it untorn.

There’s a message for me in these random happenings
my neighbour said, but he also believes in premonitions.
I buried the starling in the yard.

Selected bySara Clancy
Image credit:Photo by John Yunker
David Belcher

I live on the north coast of Wales, in the UK. And I work as a cleaner. I've been a gardener, a decorator, I've worked in Paint and wallpaper shop, and I've hung curtains and blinds for a living.  Everything I know about poetry I've learned from a few books and the internet. I write because I enjoy it, and because it feels worthwhile.