America’s fucked
I want to go to America
I can’t get to America
If I get to America they won’t let me back
I can’t stay here
I’m fucked
At least Trump showed the world just how fucked America is
American people are nice
What the fuck happened
Why am I swearing
We’re all fucked
Hope the wind didn’t fuck my runner beans last night
Maybe I could get to Canada and drive
I’m not sure about Mexico
Mexico’s probably fucked
It’s June it’s 52 degrees and its raining
Rain distorts everything
The seagulls are blobs hanging in the wind
I want to stay in this chair and listen but I’m fucked
My mother’s 96
I have to go do her shopping
I am able to ask for help
But I won’t ask for help
I want to go to Texas
Texas is fucked
When I was five a dog bit my face
It wanted my cake and I blew on its nose
My grandfather beat it with a brush shaft in an outhouse
He raged and swore
It didn’t come out for a week
The dog was fucked
My grandfather was fucked
I was homesick and well on the way to being fucked
I rage and swear too
Never at dogs just myself
I can ask for help but I won’t
I’m fucked
That’s life
At least the toe-nail fungus is gone
Twice a week for 18 months
with some weeks missed when I was really fucked
I wanted rid of it before I went to America

Selected byNolcha Fox
Image credit:Samuel Branch
Cameron McClure

Cameron McClure doesn’t exist. He is the pen-name for a  permanently retired civil servant who lives in Northern Ireland and likes nothing better than competitive banter over a pint or two. He believes it will all come right on the night because he’s happier that way and no-one has yet proved him wrong though a lot of well-meaning people try to for some reason.