It came from the depths of the sewhers of New York:
Pasty faced
Flaming orange hair
Highlighted, feral raccoon eyes

Swamp Thing

Decades in the making
This instant horror classic hearkens back to the Golden Age
            of movie making when everyone was under
            unbreakable contract and everyone knew their place

It builds walls
It creates jobs for workers but doesn’t pay them
It makes business deals with the enemy
It reviles the people who trusted it
Lies to them and cheats them too and still they revere him!

Swamp Thing

Who could forget films such as:
            The Swamp Women
            Cat People from Mars
            Creature from the Black Lagoon
            Zza Zza Gabor In  Queen of Outer Space

Swamp Thing out slimes them all!

Swamp Thing starring
            Mighty Joe “Young” McCarthy
            Roy “The Killer” Cohn
            Far Out NSA Chief Flynn
            Top Adviser Steve “The Terminator” Bannon

And Guest Starring:
            “The Enabler”  Kelly Ann Conway

Don’t miss it!

Swamp Thing is rated R
Mature audiences only

Image credit:Samantha Sophia
alan catlin

Alan Catlin has published over sixty books of prose and poetry. Recent titles include “Near Death in the Afternoon on Becker Street” and “Self Portrait as the Artist Afraid of His Self-Portrait,” both from March Street Press, and “Drunk and Disorderly,” selected poems from Pavement Saw Press.