Strange Beauty


My first poetry book is now available on Amazon from Dead Man’s Press Ink!

I am so excited to share a collection of my poetry as a whole.

“I have memories of my Dad telling me and my sisters ghost stories every other weekend after my parents divorced, being immersed in the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark books, and experiencing paranormal activity often at my grandparents’ farmhouse as well as poltergeist-like activity in my own home.

My mother told me of a story when I was no more than a year old; I would refuse to go into this one house. I’d be kicking and screaming, hysterical. Not long after my episodes, the house burnt down. I have a tendency to be hypervigilant which might account for my extrasensory abilities, or perhaps it’s the other way around. It’s been said I’m highly sensitive and clairvoyant and haunted.

It isn’t uncommon for the running theme in the majority of my work to be about death. I became well acquainted with loss around the same time I began reading and my grandpa died in his house from lung cancer. After that there were two suicides in my family, one being my sister, Heather.

I do mention suicide more than once within my collection, which also includes themes of transitions, growing up, family dysfunction, illnesses, trauma, and other bizarre, dark matters.”

If you’d like a copy, here is the link:

Kaci Skiles Laws

Kaci Skiles Laws is a closet cat-lady and creative writer who reads and writes voraciously in the quiet moments between motherhood and managing Crohn's Disease. She was a 2023 winner for Button Poetry's short form contest, and her short story Eugene was nominated for a pushcart prize in 2022 by Dead Skunk Mag. Her most recent poetry has appeared in 3Elements Review, River Teeth Journal, Blood Tree Literature, and elsewhere. Her poetry books, "Strange Beauty" and "Summer Storms" are available on Amazon, and her most recent chapbook, "Smile, Child" is available from Bottlecap Press.