
I keep sitting on the deck
trying to feel how I used to
when I was younger
it was a vibrancy
a confidence
sometimes I almost feel like that
my fingers just a few inches away from it

the next door neighbor’s son
yells up,
“Why are you always out here?!”

“I’m looking for something
I’m never going to find,”
I say back down

“Pretty stupid,” he says, and walks away



“I have some work I have to do,” my dad said.
“I’ll get back to you later.”

there’s no work for me, though—
no poem waiting for me on the deck

just this one
and it’s not going anywhere


I look down from the mountaintop at all of civilization…

I look down
from the mountaintop
at all of civilization
and think
God, this is the best we could do?


Image credit:Brina Blum
Daniel J. Flore III

Daniel J. Flore III’s fifth book of poetry is WRITTEN IN THE DUST ON THE CEILING FAN and it can be found here.