I don’t know if syllables of rain
are stressed or unstressed,

if the winds communicate
in regional dialects,

if there are prophecies
in the sign language of oaks.

But I’d rather wonder
than disavow miracles.

I need mysteries to live for,
faith to make me afraid,

a few masquerading angels
to entertain unwittingly,

reminders that I’m more
than carbon and spark.

We could strip mine everything
and remain far less than gods,

having little use for ourselves,
asking only now what?

Image credit:Raymond Huffman

Hugh does not prefer to talk about himself in the third person, but if he did, he'd tell you he's in a self-imposed exile on the east coast of the USA, but still loves his former home in the Sonoran Desert. He is the author of Odd Numbers And Evensongs and Auditions For The Afterlife.