I wonder
what the opposite & equal reaction was
to my loving you

I know
it doesn’t mean that you loved me
as much in return

the heavenly motion
of our two bodies proves there are no laws
of physics for love

if there were
the gravity between us would have kept us
in the other’s orbit

but you loved
who you were before we met
more than you
loved who you found yourself
becoming with me

I do not blame you
being famous is a drug & you will always be
in withdrawal.

Selected byNolcha Fox
Image credit:Dan Cristian Pădureț
Mike Casetta

I have one book of poetry published in Tucson by Moon Pony Press in 2009 titled, The Certainty of Looking Elsewhere. My poetry has been published in numerous small presses including: Dark Horse, Gargoyle, 6ix, Tor House Newsletter, The Moth.