It’s quiet in the yard.
Gray-green leaves
barely rustle.
Sun is out: I need to get off
this couch.
I was in Tangiers
where a kindergarten friend I hadn’t seen in eighteen years
tried to sell me dope.
I was in Moose Jaw, Canada;
in Skopia, Yugoslavia;
I was at Epidaurus
the night before Papadopoulos
was toppled by a coup—
now I’m here.
I pick up the phone
to a robot online,
listing my prescriptions to be filled.
We’re on this little ball
falling around the sun,
and sometimes I neglect
to brush my teeth.

Image credit:Eva Blue
Lance Jencks

Lance Jencks has been writing poetry for fifty years. In the 1970s he earned an MFA in Playwriting and a PhD in Contemporary Theatre. In the 1980s he published his verse-based roman á clef, "The Wisdom of Southern California," then toured that region with a one-man show of the same name. Lance has been an advertising copywriter, a stock-and-bond broker, and the guy who hooks your car to the chain at the car wash. He lives today in Newport Beach, California, where he was recently featured in the epic bodysurfing movie "Dirty Old Wedge" on Amazon.