Sometimes a discussion helps.
Sometimes it doesn’t.
It won’t hurt to give it a try.

I could lose those 10 stubborn pounds.
You could harden a muscle or two
if it makes you feel better.
You know I love you
just the way you are.

Then I could wear my Marilyn Monroe
party dress, the one with the bling
and you could wear nothing at all,
your favorite attire.

We could pretend we are on
our own private island
or go shopping for a sailboat
and travel the sea,
whatever lights the early fire
if that’s what we need.

You proposed to me forty years ago.
So I’m proposing to you now.
Let’s make love on my birthday.

I realize it’s six months away
but at our age it takes time
to prepare for these things.

Image credit:Cristian Newman
Cheryl Leverette

Cheryl Leverette—the pen name of Cheryl Ann Dodd—was a prolific poet who drew much inspiration from the company of other writers and artists online. She died on May 27, 2019. The rest of her inspiration came from her family. For her author bio on Open Arts Forum, she wrote, "I'm a grandmother living in Tennessee, enjoying my family and semi-retirement. I love writing and poetry as a hobby and also as a learning experience. It keeps me sharp."