I’m pretty sure it is
I been around my impending death for awhile

it’s very interesting

everyone has a blur around them
I figure it’s their soul

it’s a nice fuzz
each one emanates sun
cradles the moon

my blur is way high up in the air
with all the happy dead people

things get bad
when my death is postponed

when that happens
everything feels like an airport
and I moan cause
my plane was delayed

I’m pretty high in the sky though
some angelic jet up here is bound to
catch my flight

for now it’s another bright day
of waiting
I wanna tell everyone
just how bright it really is
but it seems I don’t have to
their souls already know
even if they don’t

I’m watching ants climb the gutter
and I decide to join them marching back and forth

you can do anything when you’re about to die
except stay alive

when you start hoping for that
you’re in real trouble
black rivers
of the life you lived
wash you out to some sea
you can’t swim
and you get tired
so very tired

it’s better to die
the sky is so high up
it really does go on forever
and you do too

Image credit:irina iriser
Daniel J. Flore III

Daniel J. Flore III’s fifth book of poetry is WRITTEN IN THE DUST ON THE CEILING FAN and it can be found here.