mounds of paper, pens
that never run out of ink
to write, write
watch squirrels bend
low branches, bend
not break, my back bends
over the desk
kink in my shoulder
the words keep
pouring out, water runs
over paper, tears
falling, ink blobs
words unreadable
I need all this
time to let them
out, the words
let them out

Selected byNolcha Fox
Image credit:Álvaro Serrano
Julie A. Dickson

Julie A. Dickson has written poetry for over 50 years, has served on two poetry boards, has served as a guest editor for several journals, coordinated 100 Thousand Poets for Change for 5 years and her work appears often in publications including Medusa's Kitchen, Blue Heron Review, Open Door, Misfit, MasticadoresUSA, Ekphrastic Review and Uppagus. She has authored YA fiction books including "Bullied into Silence" [Piscataqua Press] and Poetry books, the latest being "Village Girl" [Goldfish Press]. Dickson holds a BPS in Behavioral Science, advocates for captive elephants and shares her home with two rescued semi-feral cats.