Angles about him sensed, the first,
the free web presents, and he waits.

No, of course he does not wait, he
simply is: spider, small beyond time,

so small you might not see him
if you were to enter the room,

would only say Ah! and begin
to sweep furiously. And still

you might miss him, ready, if not
waiting, to do his job: place

that which is softer and smaller
than he inside his spider belly.

But you do not come, the door
does not open. The air does not

flow with its one-percent chance
of blowing the soft, the small,

his way. He weakens. What bad luck
to be born!
 What cursèd bad luck

to boil from that hot-paper sack
with brothers and sisters parachuting

to corners, walls and floor—though
we are only concerned with the one

slowly cooling, here, in this room.

Image credit:Raymond Huffman
Matt Dennison

After a rather extended and varied second childhood in New Orleans

(street musician, psych-tech, riverboat something-or-other, door-to-door

poetry peddler, etc.), Matt Dennison finished his undergraduate degree at

Mississippi State University where he won the National Sigma Tau Delta

essay competition (judged by X.J. Kennedy). He is the author of Kind Surgery

from Urtica Press (Fr.) and  Waiting for Better from Main Street Rag Press.

His poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Verse Daily, Rattle, Bayou Magazine,

Redivider, The National Poetry Review, New York Quarterly, Modern Haiku, Tulane

Review, The Inflectionist Review, DIAGRAM, Hiram Poetry Review, Slipstream,

The Midwest Quarterly, Spoon River Poetry Review and Cider Press Review,

among others. His fiction has appeared in ShortStory Substack, THEMA, GUD,

The Blue Crow (Aus), Prole (UK), The Wondrous Real and Story Unlikely.

He has also made poetry videos with Michael Dickes, Marc Neys,

Jutta Pryor & Marie Craven.


Kind Surgery (Urtica Press)