His burnt-orange t-shirt,
black letters above the image
of an AR-15, the slogan:
“quickest way to a man’s heart.”
I’d describe him, but why bother?

My shrink left town,
so I’ll ask myself, how
did that make you feel,
that T-shirt? How? Like

the other night when a sound
woke me, not the thumpety-thump,
thumpety-thump of the cats playing
but the thump-scrape, thump-scrape
of something dragging itself
down the hall to my bedroom.

Like that.

Image credit: Kyle Johnson
Jefferson Carter

I've lived in Tucson since 1953 and retired in 2008 from teaching writing at Pima Community College.

My poems have appeared in journals like Carolina Quarterly, Barrow Street, RATTLE, and New Poets of the American West. 

I'm a passionate supporter of Sky Island Alliance, a regionally-based environmental organization.

Yesternow, my twelfth poetry collection, was just published by Moonstone Arts Press (Philadelphia).
