currently I am unavailable
to press through the current events
of the day

the wife of Britain’s ex-prime minister
was caught in a dress someone claimed
unbecoming of funeral attire

I don’t care

our very own president
was seated in the back row
of same said funeral—
like a common criminal

I don’t care

while Canada’s current prime minister
was heard singing in his hotel room
after the funeral
poor timing, maybe, but he is a handsome man
so we’ll let it slide

and I, wait, I think,
no, I still don’t care

I am however, fixated,
on a most pressing current event
that being the pickle in a leftover box lunch
from a work function
or more specifically,
the bag in which this pickle sits
long, slender, and clear
so that all eyes can see the royalty of such a pickle
the headliner on the bag says it all:
Dill Pickle

Selected byNolcha Fox
Image credit:SuckerPunch Gourmet
Ken Tomaro

Ken Tomaro is a writer living in Cleveland, Ohio. His work centers around everyday life with depression. Sometimes blunt, often dark but always grounded in reality.

He has 4 full-length collections of poetry: Home Is Where the Headstones Are, An Angry Year, Paralysis & Potholes and Perogies (through Alien Buddha Press) available on Amazon.