
Thich Nhat Hanh
because his eyes are kind
and I think he’s been through shit

he’s funny,
and a gentle man
even when he’s annoyed,
and he thinks
before he speaks and once
you get used to it
that kind of silence
is cool.

But not Osho;
the s’es
in his eyes and speech
get me
highly agitated, but I smile
when think of
that joke about the cars
a little bit, and I tell myself
I get it
and wait for someone
to ask me.

Or maybe it’s that I still want to be
that laughing beauty
called on to the stage–

clapping her hands.

Nathalie Spaans

Nathalie Spaans lives in Amsterdam and works as a public attendant in a cool museum. In day to day life she finds it hard to convey what's going on. With writing she tries to make sense of it.