after Charlie Haden’s, “First Song”

No one remembers the first song
sung to them in mother’s whisper.

The words, merely notes to soothe
the savage beast at her breast.

Melody and milk can conjure
hypnosis, relaxed willingness

to accept natural comfort.
External vibrations first heard

in initial home, her body’s
warm womb echo chamber

where we treaded bass lines
tethered to the rhythms of her heart.

Selected byJenn Zed
Image credit:Manuel Nägeli
Jordan Trethewey

Jordan Trethewey is the poet laureate of Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. He has published work with many small online and print publications internationally, and his work has been translated in Vietnamese, Farsi, and French. He would be bewildered to know you are reading this right now, but would also be secretly pleased. :)

Find more of his work on his work here: