I am weeping. Please take my tears. It’s all I have left. I lost myself. I don’t want to find me either. I am dying in a shadow that I keep letting fall. Psalm 23. The sweet comfort of thee. I was beautiful 15 minutes ago. You shoulda seen me. You shoulda kissed me. Someday, I’ll be a candy cigarette with puffs of sugar blowing. Here I am. There I go. I guess this train took me nowhere. Someone’s home but nobody’s here. I have slipped into darkness. But hey, at least I ate sex and caffeine and friends. It only lasts as long as you’re looking at it. And it’s usually fast. Everybody on rage street said the disco ball was glitter. I thought I heard tears falling as the mirrored glass. But I’m usually wrong.

Selected byRaymond Hufffman
Image credit:Melanie Hughes
Daniel J. Flore III

Daniel J. Flore III’s fifth book of poetry is WRITTEN IN THE DUST ON THE CEILING FAN and it can be found here.