Dilly Darnickle stunk like forbidden streets
walked a little funny
had a herniated testicle
wouldn’t say which
lucky he still had two he said
one’s always bigger and better when it’s cold out
took him in anyway
scrubbed the tub dropped him in
boiled some herbs rubbed him down
popped the bubbles with his teeth
what ever few there were
said, the asthma’s here and wheezing
put boric acid on his moldy butthole
he said, can’t hurt me cuz clouds don’t burn
at least until the comet comes by, man
taught him manners for just a day, but didn’t take
whacked his behind and dropped him
at the Greyhound
a better man he claimed
would be less so, so, so
you are lucky to have had me
shoot if you got the balls
he said from the bus window
a tear fell from her eyes, not his
[Artwork by the author of the poem: Ink and Watercolor on 140lb watercolor paper. Original size, 14″X10″]