My dog & I set out
for a mountain lake
ringed by pine trees.

There were ducks
preening in the water.

Some of them quacked.
They sounded happy.

My dog lapped the lake
with her tongue.

Splash is a language.

A trout nearby
jumped to join
the conversation.

A pink woman
with blue tattoos
& a panting dog
passed us on the trail.

The dogs gave a sniff.
I held my breath.

I love the smell of forest.
Have a nice day.

I waved to an old man
fishing from the shore

without a hat.


Selected byRaymond Huffman
Image credit:Jason Blackeye
Mike Casetta

I have one book of poetry published in Tucson by Moon Pony Press in 2009 titled, The Certainty of Looking Elsewhere. My poetry has been published in numerous small presses including: Dark Horse, Gargoyle, 6ix, Tor House Newsletter, The Moth.