
Charcoal pencil drawing by Pat Perrin from the novel, The Jamais Vu Papers, by Wim Coleman and Pat Perrin. Harmony Books/Crown (1991). After publication, the authors turned Coyote into this poster. (Original charcoal pencil drawing is 9″ x 10″. Text added digitally to drawing after scanning.)

Pat Perrin

Pat Perrin is a lifelong visual artist and writer. She has taught art in public schools, including gifted and talented programs in Virginia and Georgia. For some years she co-owned a Shenandoah Valley “art farm,” then continued studio work while earning a PhD in Art Theory and Criticism from the University of Georgia. In recent years her work has been featured in Fiber Art Now magazine, exhibited in juried shows online, in NC, and in the Mexican town of San Miguel de Allende (where she and her husband, Wim Coleman, lived for 14 years and adopted their daughter). She is also a published author, usually writing in collaboration with her husband, who is an award-winning playwright and poet.