I went nuts in 2017. Had some kinda bullshit insurance with bold lettering on the card that read Includes Dental! It had a picture of a goofy toothy glistening smiley face below the lettering. Whoopdee do! I had no plans of going to the dentist even though my teeth were rotten from eating my mind. When I got well and entered reality again in 2018 I went to get new insurance. They said because I didn’t have insurance in 2017 I had to pay $13 a month for the rest of my life!  I yelled, “What about my bullshit insurance!” They had no record of it and they sent me this packet to fill out to fight the ordeal. It was a huge amount of paperwork so I never bothered to fill it out. Now I owe $13 a month forever! I don’t know what happens after I die. After paying all that maybe I’ll get good dental like my bullshit insurance promised. I can be a corpse with a nice smile.

Image credit:frank mckenna
Daniel J. Flore III

Daniel J. Flore III’s fifth book of poetry is WRITTEN IN THE DUST ON THE CEILING FAN and it can be found here.