“Today 1% of the world is a barely livable hot zone.
By 2070 that portion could go up to 19%.
Billions of people call these lands home. Where will they go?”
    -NY Times article on climate change and migration

Southern winds bring sand from the Sahara
for thunder storms to rinse from British skies.
Each shower leaves a film upon my car.

In fine red dust blown here from Africa,
kids scrawl obscenities as they pass by.
fingers stained with sand from the Sahara.

Year on year the desert claims more acres.
Scirocco winds lift sand a mile high,
each shower leaves a film upon our cars.

The escalating global temperature
leaves Niger, Chad and Mali parched and dry.
Southern winds bring sand from the Sahara.

Now we send refugees to Rwanda –
to stop them washing up at Deal or Rye.
I turn to wipe the blood-rain from my car.

Every year the swallows come back later,
they taste the dirt in our unfriendly skies.
Southern winds bring sand from the Sahara.
I draw a frown in dust upon my car.

Selected byJordan Trethewey
Image credit:Pixabay
Marc Woodward



Marc Woodward is a poet whose work has been widely published in journals and anthologies, and a musician who has performed and taught internationally.

He has been shortlisted for the Bridport Prize and commended for the Aesthetica Award and the Acumen prize.

A New Yorker by accident of birth, he has been resident in rural Devon, England for a loooooong time.

Recent collections:

‘Fright of Jays’ published 2015 by Maquette Press;

’Hide Songs’  published 2018 by Green Bottle Press.

’The Tin Lodes’ (co-written with Andy Brown) published 2020 by Indigo Dreams Press.


‘Shaking the Persimmon Tree’ published in 4/2022 by Sea Crow Press.

‘Grace Notes’ a collection of music related poems written in collaboration with Andy Brown is due out from Sea Crow Press in 2023.

He can be found on Facebook at www.facebook.com/marcwoodwardartist

and on twitter @marcomando or at www.marcwoodwardpoetry.blogspot.com