Go back to that place
where just below the view
of Holmes Bay, with its seal’s back
island, its lobster pots and birds,
there is a windowsill

with aquamarine bubble glass
and loons. You can look outside
yourself and try to pin this vista
to the day like a painting, upload
its likeness to your desktop

so you won’t forget, or just sit still
on the red couch with your coffee
and company, wait for the sea smoke,
for the cold sparkle of what moves
underneath, for winter.

Selected byNolcha Fox
Image credit:Colin Maynard
Sara Clancy

Sara Clancy is a Philadelphia transplant to the Southwest.  Her chapbook Ghost Logic won the 2017 Turtle Island Quarterly Editors Choice Award. Among other places, her poems have appeared in Off the Coast, The Linnet's Wings, Crab Creek Review, The Madison Review, Misfit Magazine, Avatar Review and Verse Wisconsin. She lives in the desert with her husband, their dog, two ordinary cats and a psychotic cross-eyed one.