I look in my rear view mirror
& see myself as a boy
in the back seat
who wants to know
if we are there yet.

Look over here, I say,
see the cows? Moo, Moo
means I give milk to you.
We’ll stop & get some ice cream
if you promise to be good.

The boy only stares back at me.
Do you want to sing a song? 
How about this one?
Hi ho the Derry-o
the Farmer in the Dell.

Instead, the boy says,
Knock! Knock!
I’m happy to ask, who’s there?
& he answered, the little boy
that you think is in the back seat.

Ok, the little boy
that you think
is in the back seat, who?
but he doesn’t want to play anymore.
I’m disheartened.

I want the boy to remember
that our father
would stop the car right now,
if he was driving,
but, of course, he does.

You’re very lucky
he’s not here, young man.
When we get home
you’re grounded,
until I go somewhere else.

Selected byJordan Trethewey
Image credit:Etienne Desclides
Mike Casetta

I have one book of poetry published in Tucson by Moon Pony Press in 2009 titled, The Certainty of Looking Elsewhere. My poetry has been published in numerous small presses including: Dark Horse, Gargoyle, 6ix, Tor House Newsletter, The Moth.